The words/expressions appearing in these bye-laws shall have the following meaning unless otherwise provided:
A) Objects-
The Principal object of the Bank is to ensure the security of the depositors
of the bank and promote the interests of all its members to attain their social and
economic betterment through self-help and mutual aid in accordance with the co-
operative principles to carry out following functions.
B) Functions-
Funds may be raised by the following means: -
The funds of the Bank shall be utilized as approved by Board of Directors or by delegated authority duly approved by the Board of Directors to do so, to achieve the objectives of the Bank. Utilization of these funds shall be decided by the Board of Directors/Delegated Authority keeping in view the co-operative principles with responsibilities and general welfare of members/employees /community subject to provisions of the act, rules and bye laws and RBI’s guidelines from time to time.
The Bank may invest or deposit its funds as per the provisions of the act, rules and bye laws or in such other modes as approved by the Board of Directors in conformity with the guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
The Bank shall have following categories of members :
Shares may be purchased in the name of one or more persons provided that where two or more persons are registered as the holders of any shares, they shall be deemed to hold the same as joint holders with the benefit of survivorship, subject to the following provisions,
Every ordinary member (other than nominal and associate member) of the bank shall have the following rights :
No person shall be eligible for being or continuing as a member of the Bank if,
(Provided that for practical purpose of deciding availing of Minimum Level of Service, the outstanding balance in the account of member as on 31st March of the concerned year shall be considered, provided further that if such member started using required minimum level of service he will again continue as a member); or
Provided that a member classified as disqualified member shall not be entitled to any concessional/ welfare benefits from the bank till the date of his re-classification as ordinary member.
Membership will cease: -
A member may transfer his share or shares (where there shall not be any accumulated losses) after holding them for not less than one year to a member duly approved by the board of directors. The transfer is not complete until the name of the transferee has been duly entered in the register of members and on payment of transfer fees as may be decided by the board from time to time (presently Rs.100/-).
Transfer of shares shall be refused to a member if,
Individual member/s may nominate a person to receive the member's interest in the Bank after his death. Nomination shall be made in the prescribed form and entered in the register kept at the Bank's registered office. Prior approval of the Board shall be necessary if the person to be nominated is an employee of the Bank. Nomination can be revoked and fresh nomination can be made any number of times after due intimation in writing to the Bank and on payment of prescribed fee as decided by the Board from time to time for every subsequent nomination.
On death of a member, the Bank may pay to the person nominated a sum representing the value of the member's interest in the society within 6 months from the date of receipt of the claim from the nominee. In the absence of nomination, the Bank may pay to such person or persons as may appear to the Board to be entitled to receive the same as heir or legal representative of the deceased member on his or their executing an appropriate deed of indemnity in favor of Bank and on complying with any other conditions as stipulated by the Board.
shall continue for a period of 2 years from such date.
The Bank shall have the first and paramount lien or charge upon all the shares, dividends and deposits of any member or past member for all moneys due from him to the Bank from time to time. The Bank may at any time set off any sum credited by or payable to the member or past member towards payment of any liability of such member or past member.
The Board of the Bank under a resolution shall call the Annual General Meeting in the town/city where the registered office of the bank is located within a period of six months after the close of financial year for following purpose –
The Chief Executive Officer, may at any time, on the direction of the Board, shall call a Special General Meeting of the Bank or on receipt of a requisition in writing from the Central Registrar or on requisition in writing from not less than 1000 members or from 1/5th of the total number of members of the Bank, whichever is less, stating the business to be transacted at the meeting. Such requisitioned meeting shall be called, in the town/city where the registered office of the bank is located , within one month after the receipt of the written requisition.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall preside over the General Meeting. In his absence, the Vice-Chairman and in absence of both, the members of the Board shall elect one of the members as chairman of the meeting and shall preside over the General Meeting.
Minutes of the proceedings of the General Meetings shall be entered in a minute book kept for the purpose within thirty days of the conclusion of every such meeting concerned and shall be signed by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank. The minutes so signed, shall be an evidence of the correct proceedings of the meetings.
General Category | 12 |
SC or ST | 1 |
Women | 2 |
Total | 15 |
The Expert Director (If co-opted) shall not have a right to vote in the election of Chairman / Vice – Chairman.
a. Deposits of all types;
b. Loans, advances, investments and other banking business;
c. Traveling allowances to Directors and salaried staff;
d. Provident Fund, Bonus and Gratuity;
e. Recruitment of the staff;
f. Service conditions of the Staff.
Minutes of the of the Board meetings, the committee or sub- committee meetings shall be recorded in the minute book kept for the purpose within thirty days. The minutes shall be signed by the Chairman of the meeting and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank. The minutes so sealed and signed, shall be an evidence of the correct proceedings of the meetings.
An elected member of the Board, who has acted adversely to the interests of the bank may on the basis of a report of the central registrar or otherwise be removed from the board upon resolution of the general body passed at its meeting by a majority of not less than two third of the members present and voting at the meeting. Provided that the member concerned shall not be removed unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity of making a representation in the matter.
A member of the Board shall be deemed to have vacated his office:
i) in repayment of such loans or debts or in payment of price of the goods taken on credit , as the case may be , within the date fixed for such repayment or payment or where such date is extended , which in no case shall exceeds six months, within the date so extended or
ii) When such loan or debt or the price of the goods taken on credit is to be paid in installments in payment of any installments and the amount in default or any part hereof has remained unpaid on the expiry of six months from the date of such default Provided that a member of the board who has ceased to hold office as such under this clause shall not be eligible, for a period of one year, from the date of which he ceased to hold office, for reelection as a member of the board of the bank of which he was a member or for the election of any other multi state co-operative society.
1) to conduct elections of the board under section 45; or
2) to call the annual general meeting u.s. 39;
3) to prepare the financial statements and present the same in the annual general meeting.
The quorum for the meeting of Board of Directors shall be 1/3 rdof the total strength of the Board of Directors and participation of a director/s by video conferencing and/ or other electronic means shall also be counted for the purpose of quorum.
Note: If 1/3 rd number of the total number of Directors is a fraction figure, it shall be rounded to the nearest figure on upper side, and such rounded figure shall constitute a quorum.
Other than the meeting to elect the office bearer, in all other meetings the co-opted expert directors shall be counted for the quorum.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Bank shall be appointed by the Board. He shall be ex- officio member of the board of directors. He shall be member of all the committees, sub committees and sub groups of the Board of Directors as may be constituted. He shall be a full time employee of the Bank and he shall aid and assist the Board in their functions. The Chief Executive, under the general superintendence, direction and control of the Board shall exercise the powers and discharge the functions specified below: -
No member shall hold more than 5% of the total paid up share capital of the bank or up
to the limit as specified by RBI from time to time.
A borrower should hold shares of the Bank in such proportions to his borrowing as may
be fixed by the Board of Directors on the basis of Reserve Bank of India guidelines from
time to time.
Subject to the provisions of the act and rules framed thereunder, the net profit of the Bank shall be distributed by the General Body as follows.
The balance of net profit may be utilized for all or any of the following purposes :
The Funds may be deposited or invested in State Co-operative Bank or a Central Co Operative Bank or in any of the securities specified in section 20 of the India Trust Act 1882(2 of 1882) or in the shares or securities or assets of a subsidiary institution or any other institution, or with Any Other Bank or in Government Securities as per guidelines of Reserve Bank of India. The funds may be deposited in co-operative banks for availing specific services like clearing, foreign exchange transactions, etc. from such Banks subject to guidelines of RBI in this regard. The interest accruing thereon shall form part of the general revenue.
The Bank shall also maintain a Contributory Provident Fund or contribute equally to the EPF Department as the case may be for the benefits of its employees in accordance with the provisions of the Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
The Bank shall have service Rules for regulating the service conditions of its employees as formulated and amended by the Board from time to time.
All the disputes shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the MSCS Act 2002 and rules.
The limitation period in disputes filed under the MSCS Act 2002 shall be as provided in section 85 of the act.
If winding up of the Bank is necessary, it shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the MSCS Act 2002 and Rules thereof.
The Bank shall devise the procedure through administrative instructions for the association of employees in the management decision making process.
A.I. The Bank may become member of the Maharashtra State Co-op. Bank, any other State Co Operative Bank and/or any District Central Co-operative Bank as decided by the Board of Directors from time to time. The Bank may be a subscribing member of the following:
B. Filing of returns to the Registrar shall be as per the provision of Law.